MuseumNext Digital Marketing Summit

Discover the strategies and tactics of the museum world's top digital marketing experts.

The ever-changing nature of digital marketing can mean that it’s hard to know where to focus your energy for the best results.

How can your museum stay up to date with the latest platforms, strategies and tools? Where can you learn from those who seem to be doing everything right?

The ever-changing nature of digital marketing can mean that it’s hard to know where to focus your energy for the best results.

How can your museum stay up to date with the latest platforms, strategies and tools? Where can you learn from those who seem to be doing everything right?

The MuseumNext Digital Marketing Summit brings together more than 40 international speakers to share action orientated presentations to help you find digital marketing success.

The MuseumNext Digital Marketing Summit brings together more than 40 international speakers to share action orientated presentations to help you find digital marketing success.

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